Create a Diversity Plot with HMP2Data IBD Biopsy

First on the Metaviz landing page click “Start App”

Start App

Next scroll to the bottom and select “ibd_biopsy_hmp2data” choose dataset

Choose “Add Visualization” and click “Heatmap”"

Add heatmap

On the Heatmap click the Settings icon (middle) and in the Settings menu change “Plot Label” dropdown menu from “name” to “diagnosis” and toggle the button for “Row labels as color” to “On”

change label

Select samples to visualize and click “Ok”

choose ok

Choose “Add visualization” click “Diversity Box Plot”

Add visualization

Select samples to visualize and click “Ok”

choose ok

On the Diversity Box Plot click the Settings icon (middle)

select settings

In the Settings menu change “Plot Label” dropdown menu from “name” to “diagnosis”

update label

Now the diversity box plot is separated based on the selected field

diversity plot