epiviz.heatmap.gl: Quickly render heatmap-like plots

This documentation site is bare bones but hey it works :)

Simple Usage:

        import { DotplotGL, RectplotGL, TickplotGL } from "./index.js";

        // you can either pass in a dom selector or HTMLElement
        let plot = new DotplotGL(".canvas");
        // provide input data to the element, 
        // data must contain x (as `rows`) and y (as `columns`)
        // you can also provide x and y labels
          x: [...],
          y: [...],
          xlabels: [],
          ylabels: [],
        // render the plot

Set Encodings:

These attributes either take a fixed value or an array of values for each data point.

Note: `size` is scaled automatically to fit the plots dimensions.

Capture events:

The library provides click, hover (mouseover) and selection events for interactivity with the plot. The default behavior logs the events to the console

            plot.hoverCallback = function(point) {
                # do something when a point is hovered


currently supports


Tick Plots

Tick plots are extremely fast at quickly rendering large amounts of data. They are useful for exploring the overall patterns in the dataset. This example renders the full expression matrix from the pbmc 3k dataset.

        import * as pbmc from './pbmc.js';
        let plot3 = new TickplotGL(".tickcanvas");

For more documentation, visit GitHub repository

Github Commit graph

someone is a profilic programmer

Row Group Labels:
Column Group Labels:

(closest point wrt to mouse)